Module rustc_unicode::str [] [src]

Unstable (unicode #27783)



An iterator over the non-whitespace substrings of a string, separated by any amount of whitespace.

Utf16Encoder [Unstable]

Iterator adaptor for encoding chars to UTF-16.

Utf16Items [Deprecated]

An iterator that decodes UTF-16 encoded codepoints from a vector of u16s.


Utf16Item [Deprecated]

The possibilities for values decoded from a u16 stream.


UnicodeStr [Unstable]

Methods for Unicode string slices


is_utf16 [Unstable]

Determines if a vector of u16 contains valid UTF-16

utf16_items [Deprecated]

Create an iterator over the UTF-16 encoded codepoints in v, returning invalid surrogates as LoneSurrogates.

utf8_char_width [Unstable]

Given a first byte, determine how many bytes are in this UTF-8 character