Module std::iter::order [] [src]

Deprecated since 1.4.0

: use the equivalent methods on Iterator instead


Functions for lexicographical ordering of sequences.

Lexicographical ordering through <, <=, >=, > requires that the elements implement both PartialEq and PartialOrd.

If two sequences are equal up until the point where one ends, the shorter sequence compares less.


cmp [Deprecated]

Order a and b lexicographically using Ord

eq [Deprecated]

Compare a and b for equality (Using partial equality, PartialEq)

equals [Deprecated]

Compare a and b for equality using Eq

ge [Deprecated]

Returns a >= b lexicographically (Using partial order, PartialOrd)

gt [Deprecated]

Returns a > b lexicographically (Using partial order, PartialOrd)

le [Deprecated]

Returns a <= b lexicographically (Using partial order, PartialOrd)

lt [Deprecated]

Returns a < b lexicographically (Using partial order, PartialOrd)

ne [Deprecated]

Compares a and b for nonequality (Using partial equality, PartialEq)

partial_cmp [Deprecated]

Order a and b lexicographically using PartialOrd